Keep Kids Swimming – for Smarts!
There are surprising benefits to year-round swim lessons. As the weather turns cooler and summer ends, keep ’em swimming! It can make their learning easier. Research out of Australia (https://app.griffith.edu.au/news/2013/08/13/swimming-a-smart-move-for-children/shows)

5 Things to Consider When Looking for a Swim Class
The American Academy of Pediatrics is putting a spotlight on baby swim lessons by recommending swim lessons begin at age 1. Their previous guidelines recommended the starting age as 4

Combating Fear With Trust
Across the nation, there are two popular approaches to teaching infants to swim. The first is a fight-or-flight method, and the second is a trusting, nurturing environment. We’re pretty sure

Baby CPR – These Three Things May Surprise You!
When Amanda Acuna’s daughter was a baby, one minute her girl was eating Cheerios in her high chair and quick-as-a-wink, the next minute, her daughter was choking. “I thankfully was